Below are different ways you can align your text on your page, to give it a sharper look. Each example gives the text a professional look to the lists. Unordered List (Dotted) •This would look like this: •First row •Second row Ordered List (Numbered)
  1. First row
  2. Second row
•This would look like this: 1. First row 2. Second row Preformatted Text - The text here will appear on the web page as it does in the html code.
This    Will
stay      as
written exactly
•This will look like this:   Add one of these into your html. I'll use the preformatted text in my example. The preformatted text is good at making pictures with letters. Here's a quick example:
  //   //   //////
 /////        //
// //    //////
•Your page should now look similar to:   Extreme Mac // // ////// ///// // // // //////   •Your html code should now look similar to: Put the Title Here

Extreme Mac

  //   //   //////
 /////        //
// //    //////